
gamer seated in chair

Are Gaming Chairs Truly “Ergonomic”? Top tips for choosing the perfect gaming chair

When you perform a Google search for “gaming chairs” and sift through the images, you’ll be met with a plethora of eye-catching, brightly coloured leather seats featuring wings and plush cushions. At first glance, gaming chairs may seem more comfortable than traditional “ergonomic” office chairs, with their array of knobs and levers. But let’s delve […]
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Snowplow operators in Canada: the unsung heroes of harsh winters

If you’ve ever driven through a snowstorm in the dark, you can begin to understand the challenges snowplow drivers face. Imagine being responsible for clearing a safe path on the snowy road’s edge while contending with traffic, disabled vehicles, people, fallen trees, powerlines, and wildlife. Add the irregular work hours, and the need to stay […]
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worker being instructed how to remove heavy pan from oven

When does “reinstructing the worker” help?

Some of our clients pass their strain/sprain injury reports to our ergonomists for review, investigation, or other support.  I have to say, every time I see the corrective action listed as “Reinstruct the worker,” I wince quietly. I imagine the supervisor sitting with the worker, who is in pain, and saying, “Next time, make sure […]
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ergonomics under the safety or engineering umbrella

Where does ergonomics belong – Safety or Engineering?

Most of our clients hire us because they need help to reduce sprain/strain injuries. We are typically contacted by the Human Resources department or, more specifically, Health and Safety. This is a natural consequence of the way most organizations see ergonomics: fitting work to people so strain/sprain injuries can be avoided. As we’ve pointed out […]
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What is the maximum weight a worker can lift? (Nationally, Provincially, and Practically)

This is a question that is often asked of ergonomists. Many people believe that the maximum is 23 kg, or 50 lbs. Here are the facts: Nationally (Canada) Nationally, certain regulations apply to federally regulated organizations, such as airlines and banks, as defined by the Canada Occupational Health and Safety Regulations (SOR/86-304), specifically Division III, […]
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