
How safety programs benefit from a part-time ergonomist

I’ve seen a lot of postings for Health and Safety jobs lately, some of which include “ergonomics” responsibilities such as completing physical demands analyses or manual handling assessments. Safety professionals who have an ergo background could certainly fulfil these responsibilities. However, once in the role, we’ve noticed that safety/ergo professionals tend to be consumed with […]
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What is an ergonomist, and what do they do?

(Prefer to “watch” instead of read? Here’s the video: At the most basic level, an ergonomist (much like a lifeguard) gets paid to watch people. In our case, we watch people work. Of course, most ergonomists would be insulted at the insinuation that “watch” is all we do, but that’s what people see us […]
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How to find an ergonomics consultant

I’ve been trying to make it easier for people to find us online, and in the process, considering how our customers find us, exactly. Most of our work comes from repeat clients, or word-of-mouth from satisfied clients, but the new clients typically find us with a web search. I imagine that you’re using search terms […]
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Labour Thanksgiving Day

I might be getting Labour Day and Thanksgiving mixed up a bit, but this seemed like a good time to reflect on how grateful I am to have such a hardworking bunch of co-workers. I don’t remember a time when our entire team was so keen to innovate. It’s almost like our tagline could be […]
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