Ergonomics can improve employee productivity and well-being. This article describes how ergonomists can support pharmaceutical, long-term care, and automotive clients.
An ergonomist can support human resources initiatives by helping to accommodate workers with limitations, by supporting the design of jobs that are inclusive, and by implementing changes that improve safety, comfort, productivity, and quality.
Our entire team is heading south next week to participate and present at the Applied Ergonomics Conference 2023 If you are coming to New Orleans, please find us to say hi, and come to our presentations to support our ergonomists! As an “applied” conference, we know that next week’s program will energize us with ideas […]
We use surveys to gather information from people we do not have an opportunity to meet personally, perhaps because they work on other shifts, or in remote locations. We also use surveys when we want to give people time to consider their responses. This article focuses on the value of pre-assessment surveys in an industrial environment.
Turns out, a lot. Ergonomists often talk about how companies could save money by implementing ergonomics improvements. Usually, we’re referring to how workers’ compensation claims could be avoided. We have statistics! The average sprain/strain injury claim costs about $5000 in Ontario, and strains/sprains are the leading ”nature” of injury (and have been for as long […]
For most of my career, I’ve been single-minded in my focus on minimizing the risk of strain/sprain injuries. I’m not alone; most ergonomists work in a “safety” capacity, concerned mainly with keeping the demands of the workplace within the physical capabilities of the workforce. We might occasionally concern ourselves with cognitive demands (some much more […]
Why do clients call us? Typically, organizations call us: when they need to build a library of physical and cognitive demands analyses after employees report discomfort or injury that they attribute to a job when the supervisor, HR Manager, JHSC, and Safety Professional are not able to identify a practical solution to the concern when […]