
What do Lean and Six Sigma have to do with Ergonomics?ost

Turns out, a lot. Ergonomists often talk about how companies could save money by implementing ergonomics improvements. Usually, we’re referring to how workers’ compensation claims could be avoided. We have statistics! The average sprain/strain injury claim costs about $5000 in Ontario, and strains/sprains are the leading ”nature” of injury (and have been for as long […]
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Leaning in, literally

Although I was a huge fan of Sheryl Sandberg’s book, “Lean In” has a more literal meaning for ergonomists. Most of us have leaned against something dusty or wet and then walked around not realizing that a sleeve, shoulder, back, or butt was dirty. Have you ever considered why people lean on things? If you’re […]
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Lean and mean?

How the elimination of “waste” from production is increasing the risk of musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs) amongst workers. by Karen Hoodless I recently attended a webinar given by Dr. Patrick Neumann (Associate Professor in the Mechanical and Industrial Engineering Department at Ryerson University), where he “Exposes the link between MSDs and Lean Production.” Most people have […]
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