Our services
We believe that a regular on-site presence allows the ergonomist to lead the development of a successful MSD prevention program, by building relationships with workers, managers, and engineers. Our flagship "on-site ergo" program provides ready access to our team's skills and resources.
On-Site Ergo
Our services
We believe that an ergonomics (MSD risk) assessment needs to distinguish “nice-to-do” from “need-to-do” through musculoskeletal injury (MSD) risk evaluation, and needs to provide specific, clear recommendations.
Ergonomics (MSD risk) assessment
Our services
We believe that a physical and cognitive demands analysis should report measured, objective information about a job, in a clear, concise report.
Physical/ Cognitive demands analysis
Our services
We believe that engineers and equipment designers want to use ergo design guidelines that clearly specify the ideal reaches, heights, clearances, and other “ergo” parameters.
Design review
Our services
We believe that office employees can usually be safely accommodated using existing equipment, by making adjustments to chairs, keyboard trays, work surface heights, etc. We understand that employers want access to broad-scope approaches (such as awareness training for large groups), as well as one-on-one in-person or remote assessments.
Office ergonomics Our training
We believe that training should be designed for specific groups of employees (supervisors, engineers, manual handlers, outdoor workers, office employees, etc), and that training needs to be “hands on” so participants can truly understand how ergonomics applies to them.
Training and awareness
Our services
We believe that protecting workers from heat-related illness requires a consistent, objective approach. We estimate job demands using a detailed analysis method, and we set up a program that uses the wet-bulb globe temperature, because it most accurately represents what a worker is experiencing. Heat stress prevention