About Us

Our people

We support the certification of ergonomists in Canada by the Canadian College for the Certification of Professional Ergonomists (CCCPE). All of our team members are currently certified or in the process of achieving certification through CCCPE. Carrie is certified through the Board of Certification in Professional Ergonomics (BCPE; USA), and is also an Registered Kinesiologist. As ergonomists, we take our professional code of ethics seriously.

Ergonomics is the art and science of fitting work to people. At Taylor’d Ergonomics, our ergonomists help clients in all sectors to improve the fit between work and people, so employees experience fewer strain/sprain injuries. A side-benefit of ergonomics is that companies that use ergonomics also experience improvements in productivity and quality.

Our ergonomists are more than consultants; they are part of your team, tapping into your in-house skills and resources to develop ergonomic solutions that work in your environment.

Carrie Taylor


Carrie Taylor

Carrie is our principal ergonomist; she launched Taylor’d Ergonomics in 1995, after working in the field for six years. Carrie holds an undergraduate degree in Human Kinetics, and a Master of Science degree

Alex DaRosa


Alex DaRosa


Christina Timmons

London, St. Thomas, Tillsonburg, Woodstock, Sarnia, Chatham, and beyond

Christina Timmons

London, St. Thomas, Tillsonburg, Woodstock, Sarnia, Chatham, and beyond

Callum Murphy

Mississauga, GTA, and beyond

Callum Murphy

Mississauga, GTA, and beyond

Aaron Gebhardt

Cambridge, Guelph, Waterloo, Kitchener, Hamilton, Milton, Woodstock

Aaron Gebhardt

Cambridge, Guelph, Waterloo, Kitchener, Hamilton, Milton, Woodstock

Carter Deforest

Mississauga and Greater Toronto Area

Carter Deforest

Mississauga and Greater Toronto Area

This could be you

Mississauga, Hamilton, GTA

This could be you

Mississauga, Hamilton, GTA